
Blog #15, Revision Plan

Your goal (or goals), articulated in your own words

My overall goal for this final essay is to better argue my main points. I feel like my essays thus far have met the requirement, but I want to make my last essay exemplary.

The steps you plan to take to achieve this goal (in order of priority)

-Clarify ideas

-Center my essay around a few main points

-Better quoting and flow of ideas

-Better MLA citations

What you see as your biggest challenge?

I feel like the largest hurdle I have to jump over before I can reach my goal is clarification of ideas. I have many, many ideas, facets, and other little things I want to mention in my essay, but I have to condense it down to make a strong argument.

And what will you do if a challenge comes up that proves too difficult for you to solve on your own? In other words, what resources do you plan to use?

-Online resources about whatever I need

-Asking my Professor



1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    It may help to imagine a scenario in which you are asked to study how beauty affects happiness. First, you would need to narrow your scope. How would you objectively define beauty? How would you measure happiness?

    Hone that argument, and please reach out if you would like any help.


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